KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

Public Meditation Course: Day one

December 26, 2023

Public Meditation Course: Day one

This morning, Ven. Drubpon Nyigyam Rinpoche granted Sojong vows to the participants of the Public Meditation Course. Ven. Rinpoche then went on to explain about the importance of Sojong, as well as about the conduct we should apply, i.e., what we should and should not do while upholding Sojong.

At 9:00 am, Ven Khenpo Tsering set out teaching on Namshe Yeshe, the treatise on โ€œDistinguishing Consciousness from Wisdomโ€, while Khenpo Chochok introduced the subject of Gyu Lama or Uttarantantra Shastra, the โ€œTreatise on the Sublime Continuumโ€, in the early afternoon.

In the evening session, the General Secretary of KIBI along with all Public Meditation Course teachers offered a mandala to His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Thaye Dorje. Then, the Gyalwa Karmapa began with instructions on the Chenrezig practice, followed by the recitation of the Sadhana, short Mahakala invocation, and Sukhavati prayer. This was very auspicious and a great blessing for all of us.

Please find below the links to the PMC live stream:
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