KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

Opening of the Karmapa Public Course 2016 at K.I.B.I.

March 15, 2016

Opening of the Karmapa Public Course 2016 at K.I.B.I.

The Karmapa Public Course 2016 has officially startedΒ this MondayΒ with an introduction by Khenpo Mriti. He welcomed more than 350 participants in K.I.B.I. for this annual event which allows dharma practitioners from all over the world to receive, in a short time, a well-founded overview of a range of Buddhist topics, and of the Karma Kagyu Lineage in particular.

The highlights of the course are of course H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa’s presence, teachings, empowerments and blessings. On the first day of the course His Holiness bestowed the long-life Amitayus empowerment, which he gave along with profound and to- the-point teachings on emptiness, compassion, and pure view. Alongside His Holiness, teachers such as Professor Sempa Dorje, Khenpo Chodrak Tenphel Rinpoche, Khenpo Lobsang, and Khenpo Tsering Samdup will share their vast knowledge over the course of the next 6 days. For more details please check the PMCΒ page.


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