Donation form

Donation form

How to pay by credit card
How to pay by credit card

Thank you for considering a donation to KIBI!
On this page you can make donation for KIBI. Any amount of money will help us to improve education process and living conditions.
You can make a donation using your PayPal account or credit card.

It is only the generous support of many friends that makes KIBI possible. Any amount of money is helpful, even half a Euro, and can be put towards improving both the education process and living conditions.
Every year we publish a detailed report how we spent donations. Look at our annual reports >>





monthly donation
How to make monthly donation

If you would like to help KIBI grow, then join the KIBI Club!

The KIBI Club is for members to make a monthly donation. They pay a desired amount that is used to help cover the day-to-day expenses, such as water and electricity bills, construction costs, and so on.

It is this steady flow of small but regular donations that is crucial for KIBI’s growth. Donations can vary; friends give 15, 20, 50 or even 108 EUR per month but anything from 10 EUR is great. You can pay by credit card or e-money.

Information about how the money is used is presented every year at the Public Meditation Course at KIBI. We also publish an annual report detailing how we spend donations. You can find our annual reports here >>