KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute


November 24, 2018


Today,ย the students of KIBI Short Intensive Course received a special audience withย Hisย Holinessย the 17th Gyalwaย Karmapa. The meeting took placed around at 6:00(IST) at Private Audience Hall.

Firstly, His Holiness greeted everyone warmly and gave a Dharma teaching with his usual gentle manner.ย Just to share a glimpse, he emphasized onย the importance of our precious human life and reminded us not to waste each and every second of it. Ourย lives should be used for spiritual practice on a daily basis and reduce our worldly expectations as we are never sure whatever occurrence may come to fruition. Furthermore, we should focus on and be mindful with our past as well as present deeds which will carve for us a meaningful future. Some of the students asked a few interesting dharma-related questions.ย 

Finally, they received blessingsย individually by offering their auspicious khatak (white-scarfs) and a few of them had a chance to ask their personal questions. We all could witness the joy of the students as he left the hall with a kind smile.ย His Holiness proceeded to enter the main prayer hall of KIBI and made sincerely deep wishes in theย front of the late Kathok Getse Rinpoche’s portrait, which was placed next to the Buddha’s statue.

In conclusion, His Holiness also advised the KIBI sanghas from today onwards to discontinue recitation of Swift Rebirthย Prayer for His Holiness 14th Kunzigย Shamarย Rinpoche.


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