K.I.B.I. Classroom Policy for Guest Students

Dear Dharma friends! 

We welcome everyone who wants to study at KIBI and take on the diploma program or join as a guest student.  Admission procedures for our diploma can be found here >>.

We also welcome everyone who wants to study the Dharma at KIBI during the annual Meditation Course and Karmapa Public Course.

Below you will find formal guidelines for guest students who wish to join classes at KIBI.

K.I.B.I. Classroom Policy for guest students

Formal academic classes take place at KIBI during two semesters each academic year: fall (September to early December) and spring (January to April).  Generally, classes offered under the rubric of KIBI’s Bachelor of Arts program are for registered students only.

Occasionally, visitors to KIBI are interested in seeing what kind of classes we offer, how they are taught, what the atmosphere is like, and of course to get an idea about the class content as well.  Anyone who wishes to attend classes as a guest is welcome to do so,but must obtain permission from the office first, and must have the instructor’s permission as well.

Rules of Attending Classes as a Guest Student

Since the classes offered at KIBI are for registered academic students, guest students must observe a few guidelines in order not to disturb the smooth running of the classes:

  1. Guest students must arrive on time and may not leave the class until class is finished.
  2. Guest students may not ask questions during class unless the instructor specifically and explicitly gives them permission to do so. 
  3. Guest students will not disturb the smooth running of the classes in any way – for example, they must sit quietly, and not speak to the students or their fellow guest students during the class.