KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

Texts - The Karmapa International Buddhist Institute


Gyalwa Karmapa

  • Why is it So Important to Have a Spiritual Teacher?
  • Why do we fear our greater abilities?
  • What Kind of Happiness Are You Seeking?
  • What is the Purpose of Taking the Sojong Vows on Buddha Purnima?
  • What is the Pure View?
  • What is the Best Practice to Work with Speech? How to Make it Become Buddha Speech?
  • What is Stopping Me from Realizing My True Nature, the Buddha Nature?
  • What is a Good Practice to Start With for People Who are New to Tibetan Buddhism?
  • Wars of Words Are Violent, Too
  • The Wealth of Europe
  • The 17 Gyalwa Karmapa’s Talk on Practicing Compassion and Understanding Impermanence
  • Teachings About Initiations
  • September 11th: Nonviolence and Compassion
  • Questions about practice
  • Pain, Gain and the Race of Life
  • Message For The Young People Of India
  • Learning From Lehman
  • Karmapa’s speech to mark the one year anniversary of Shamar Rinpoche’s passing
  • Karmapa’s Official Address on Vesak 2015
  • Karmapa on compassion
  • Is Understanding Fear Beneficial?
  • Is it True that Buddhists don’t Believe in God?
  • How to Help My Mum Who is Dying of Cancer?
  • How to Balance Practice and Mundane Life?
  • How do you love those who are cruel to you?
  • How Can Buddhism Help Us to Avert the Crisis on Earth?
  • How a True Buddhist Can Lead a Normal, Non-Monastic Life?
  • H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa’s Introduction to KIBI’s 2015/2016 Academic Year
  • Five Steps to a Wealthier Life
  • Finding Freedom
  • Day of Peace
  • About Buddha Purnima
  • Karma NgedΓΆn

  • Khenpo Karma NgedΓΆn on the Purpose of Dharma Studies
  • Ven. Lama Jampa Thaye

  • Lama Jampa Thaye: An Introduction to Mahamudra


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