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Why do we fear our greater abilities?

May 27, 2015

Why do we fear our greater abilities?

We fear our greater abilities due to a lack of experience. If we know how to channel our abilities then we will never fear. But if we don’t know how to handle them, then of course we fear them all the time.
For example, we know that being kind, being compassionate, is great. Nobody would say itโ€™s bad, unless oneโ€™s mind is not clear. But then, because we lack experience, we kind of logically know, โ€œYes, it is great, but itโ€™s very hard.โ€ The reason why we say itโ€™s very hard is because we lack experience.

Itโ€™s just like knowing โ€œI havenโ€™t been a father or mother, so therefore although itโ€™s good to raise somebody, itโ€™s beneficial to raise somebody, then because I havenโ€™t had that experience I think itโ€™s very hardโ€ โ€“ that is what you might subconsciously think to yourself.

So itโ€™s due to lack of experience.

And how do you gain experience? How do you confront your greater abilities? By practice โ€“ trial and error.


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