KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

Completion of the 5th Public Meditation Course, 2016.

January 3, 2017

Completion of the 5th Public Meditation Course, 2016.

The fifth annual Public Meditation Course at KIBI was successfully completed on the morning of January 2, 2017. Many participants reported that they were satisfied with the program and are returning home feeling joyful. His Holiness the 17thΒ Gyalwa Karmapa gave invaluable teachings and advice. In particular, he emphasized the importance of simplifying dharma practice in terms of bringing awareness and common sense to daily life events.Β The ceremonial conclusion took place on New Year’s Eve. Ms. Bettina Haffter, who was the course organizer, along with KIBI administration gave thanks with mandala offerings to the teachers, translators and volunteers. His Holiness then gave blessings to all participants and extended his best wishes for a safe journey home.


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