KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

The Third Public Meditation Course in KIBI was Successfully Completed

January 3, 2015

The Third Public Meditation Course in KIBI was Successfully Completed

On 2nd January, we completed the third Public Meditation Course inΒ KIBI.Β We are elated to see more and more Dharma friends appreciating the course. In 2012, we started this course with 85 participants, last year we had 130 participants and this time we had almost 180 participants. We consider this a wonderful progress. At the moment, one of the major problems we have is our limited accommodation. If conditions allow, we will build more rooms in the near future.

This course was designed for practitioners to receive the authentic Dharma teachings, which have three main points: morality, meditation and wisdom. These have been transmitted during the course using general Buddhist methods as well as the unique methods of the Kagyud lineage, which emphasise on very direct and practical training. This enables the practitioners to carry on these practices independently at home or in their own centers.

SojongΒ and cultivating Bodhicitta are practices which generate merit without requiring any extra effort. They produce merit whether you are asleep or active.

The Four Foundations represent the door to enter all other Buddhist practices, including the Vajrayana practices. Indeed without the proper Four Foundations, the rest of the Buddhist practices become baseless.

As it is said in various sutras, all meditations are encompassed within the Shamatha and Vipashyana meditations. What we have studied and learnt in KIBI is of immense, infinite benefit for all beings. However, we have to apply ourselves daily and put constant effort in our practice to cross the vast ocean of cyclic existence.

All good things can happen to us only because we are led by the supreme guidance which we have now. Thus, on behalf of the KIBI-PMC management team, together with the KIBI Administration, first and foremost we would like to thank His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa,Β for his precious time and his compassionate presence and for sharing the nectar of the teachings with us. We wish that His Holiness’s health will fully improve and that he will guide us for many more years to come!

We would also like to thank Venerable Dupsing Rinpoche and Venerable Khenpo Karma Ngedon who gave their valuable time to share their knowledge and methods with us. Additionally a special thanks goes to Professor Sempa Dorje for allowing us a glimpse into his vast knowledge.

Their detailed and clear explanations of the teachings have opened the eyes of the practitioners here. Their patience and kindness towards us are priceless. We are confident that all participants will do their best to keep in mind their thorough instructions and continue practicing until the next meditation course.

We would like to thank all our volunteers, helpers and staff members for their tireless efforts to make this course run smoothly. Last but not least, we would like to thank our participants for their dedication and enthusiasm.

It is our pleasure to inform you that we are also organizing the annual Karmapa Public CourseΒ which will take place from the 16th to the 21st of March.

Detailed information will follow shortly.

KIBI also offers an academic courseΒ leading to an official Bachelor degree in Buddhist studies. Whoever is interested to join in any of these courses, kindly go to our website: or email our office for more information:

We would like to conclude here by wishing you all a Happy New Year 2015, and may this year be prosperous to all of you.

KIBI – PMC management team


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