KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

Public Teaching by Khenpo Chödrak Thenpel Rinpoche

October 11, 2015

Public Teaching by Khenpo Chödrak Thenpel Rinpoche

Khenpo Chödrak Thenpel Rinpoche, who is visiting KIBI, gave a public lecture 11.10.2015.

Students, faculty, staff members and guests had a wonderful opportunity to receive teachings by one of our most senior Khenpos. He is not only highly learned but has a particularly strong connection with KIBI, having worked and taught here not less than 14 years. His clear, fresh and accessible way of teaching was inspiring and went right to the heart of the audience.

Khenpo Rinpoche spoke about the importance of a simple, happy, and Dharma-oriented life and emphasized the importance of applying studies to practice. Study and practice should go hand in hand and not separate from each other. In unison with practice, all topics that one studies should be taken to heart and change one’s mind day by day.


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