KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

KIBI Academic Year 2015/16 Started

September 15, 2015

KIBI Academic Year 2015/16 Started

On September 7, 2015 the new academic year 2015/16 officially started at the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute.

We welcomed 15 returning and 5 new students. No less than 12 different countries are represented by these 20 students: Russia, Germany, France, India, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Canada, Nepal, Poland, Mexico, Hungary, and Slovakia.

With the third batch of students now enrolled, for the first time K.I.B.I. has students in every year of the program and is offering the full range of courses!

At 9am on Monday morning, the students and faculty members gathered for the first time this year in the Auditorium. The semester started with reading out K.I.B.I. Principal Lara Braitstein’s Welcome Message and a presentation of a welcome package to each student. This was followed by introducing the faculty and briefing the students about orientation week, their upcoming trip to Mewar University’s main campus in Rajasthan, and the upcoming semester.

The second part on the day’s agenda was Khenpo Mriti’s inspiring tour of K.I.B.I. which led the new and returning students from the central part of the basement, all the way up to the roof. He shared as well as the aspirations of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. He reminded the participants, echoing Professor Braitstein’s Welcome Message, that every individual who studies at or contributes to K.I.B.I. takes part in the fulfillment of these aspirations which equally reflect those of the late Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche and the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa.

In the afternoon the new students started to learn the Tibetan Alphabet, while the 3rd year students refreshed and expanded their knowledge of Devanagari.

Before dinner, last year’s mark sheets were distributed while watching a slideshow of images from the last academic year. Thoo Chau Shia (Asaka) was deservingly honored as the β€˜Best Student 2014/15” after 4 consecutive semesters with top grades, not only standing out in her own batch, but as well in the over-all ranking of K.I.B.I’s academic students.

At 8pm a special Welcome Dinner was served, topped by a delicious home-made cake which left everyone full and happy. It was a great opportunity to catch up with each other.
The evening came to an end with a screening of β€˜The Red Hat Lama of Tibet – Journey Without End’.


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