KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

H.E. Beru Khyentse teaching in KIBI

October 13, 2013

H.E. Beru Khyentse teaching in KIBI

On the evening of 31stΒ October 2013, H.E. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche paid a visit to KIBI and upon the request of the students, he kindly agreed to give the oral transmissions of the Manjushri Namasamgiti and Guru Yoga of the 16thΒ Karmapa. Before giving the oral transmission, Rinpoche mentioned that although he had been in KIBI for so many years, it was the first time that he was able to have the opportunity to teach in KIBI. Then after the transmission, Rinpoche explained concisely, the instructions of the Guru Yoga practice and emphasized the importance and value of guru devotion. At the end of the precious teaching, the KIBI staff and student representatives presented tokens of appreciation to Rinpoche. On behalf of all the staff and students, they thanked Rinpoche and requested him to return to KIBI regularly to turn the wheel of the Dharma.


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