KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

Public Meditation Course-2014 Has Begun

December 25, 2014

Public Meditation Course-2014 Has Begun

Merry Christmas everyone! The KIBI Public Meditation Course 2014 began today. 174 participants from 23 different countries joined in! The course introduction was given by Khenpo Mirti followed by an explanation of what Sojong is by Ven Dupsing Rinpoche.

The PMC participants were also fortunate to receive the oral transmission (lung) of the four preliminary foundations by HH Gyalwang Karmapa. HH Karmapa wished his students all over the world a very merry Christmas and spoke of how Vinaya is an integral part of practice, encouraging everyone to engage in Ngondro wholeheartedly.

Freshย impressions fromย Tokpa Korlo, a practitioner and photographer:

“To anyone who was ever said that India could never be cold: please come and visit Delhi in December, as over a hundred twenty of us participants huddle together for warmth in the KIBI Gompa for the commencement of the Sojong Winter 2014 retreat here in New Delhi. Despite the rapidly dropping temperatures and many returning from Bodh Gaya sick and worn down, spirits are high and excitement is in the air โ€”ย for we have Dupsing Rinpoche, Khenpo Ngedon and His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa to lead us on our journey, keeping us warm amidst the fog and very early icy cool mornings. I find myself drawn to shooting in black and white โ€”ย while the gompa is full of color, with banners and thankas all around, the ample joy and amazing smiles I see on the faces of our teachers simply feel more radiant and natural this way as they light up the room despite the cold. The retreat has just begun and we have already had teachings from Duping Rinpoche and Khenpo Ngedon, as well as a visit from his His Holiness this evening who graciously led us in the practice of Chenrezig despite being under the weather himself, ever compassionate with his time.

We are all having such an interesting time adapting to the environment and the cold, as well as the new retreat that I actually forgot it was Christmas today. And while some may be joining their families around the world, sharing their time with loved ones, maybe sitting down to dinner โ€”ย I feel like thereโ€™s no place I would rather be, or a more fitting way to spend the holidays than here with our Dharma family, all practicing together โ€”ย and trying our best to stay warm and alert โ€”ย and ready for anything”.

Photos byย Tokpa Korlo


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