Karmapa Public Course-2016

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March 14–19.2016.

Teachers and teachings

H.H. Karmapa will grant empowerments and teachings during the course.
Professor Sempa Dorje, Khenpo Chödrak Tenphel  Rinpoche, Khenpo Lobsang and Khenpo Tsering will also be teaching. 



Registering for the course

Step 1: To register, you are required to fill out an online registration form. 

Step 2: You are also required to email a copy of your passport and visa once you have received it to kibiadmission@gmail.com. Please email us a copy of your passport even if you already did so when you registered last time. Kindly title both the passport and visa files with your name as it is shown in your passport (e.g. Michael Fernandez.jpg).

*Please only reserve a bed if you are certain that you will be attending the course. In previous years, a number of people reserved a bed and failed to cancel their reservation and show up for the course. This prevented other people from staying at KIBI. Thank you for your understanding and consideration for others! 

Paying for the course

You are required to pay for course before the program begins. Payment can be made at the administration office on the first floor. You will then receive a wristband that will grant you entry to the teachings and empowerments as well as the dining hall during mealtimes. 

Accommodation during the course

Accommodation in KIBI is very limited and there are always more attendees than there are beds during the March course. This year, beds will only be available in the common rooms and dormitories because most beds in rooms with attached bathrooms are currently occupied by resident students and staff. The few available beds in rooms with attached bathrooms will be offered to the elderly and team. 

Some beds will also be available in IIFT, the institute next door. In addition, a list of hotels and B&B’s in the local area that offer special prices for attendees of the course will be emailed to you once you have registered for the course. If you prefer to have privacy with your partner / friends it is recommended that you arrange to stay at one of these accommodations. 

Staying at KIBI before and after the course

If you would like to stay a few extra days before or after the KPC, please email your request to the accommodation department outlining the days you want to stay: kibihostel@gmail.com

Previous courses