KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute KIBI - Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

Picnic in Sanjay Van Forrest

January 15, 2016

Picnic in Sanjay Van Forrest

On Sunday, 10.1.2016 all conditions for a wonderful picnic came together. Β The K.I.B.I. administration invited all students, guest students, faculty, staff, and guests for a picnic in Sanjay Van Forest. It was an opportunity to express gratitude to the students who had been supporting K.I.B.I. through their relentless efforts in advertising K.I.B.I. at the Monlam, volunteering during the Public Meditation Course, and helping on many other occasions. Furthermore it was an opportunity to meet with old and new friends before the start of the new semester, where the 20 academic students are now joined by 9 guest-students! The weather was perfect, the picnic-spot clean, the games fun, the food delicious, the snacks and soft-drinks plenty, the mood joyful, and the company unrivaled.


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