H.H.17th Karmapa Visits the Mewar Institute, Ghaziabad U.P.

Staff and students of Karmapa International Buddhist Institute are invited by the Mewar Institute, Ghaziabad U.P. India on Wednesday the 25th of February to celebrate the collaboration and union of the two institutes of education. Attendees were treated to the fantastic opportunity to listen to His Holiness Trinley Thaye Dorje, the 17th Karmapa, head of the Karma Kagyu, the oldest reincarnate lineage of Tibetan Buddhism talk about the importance of education, literacy and its role in the modern world. His Holiness was invited there as Chief Guest of the celebration.

His Holiness stressed the point in his speech that education is very much a part of growing and evolving, not only as an individual but as a country and a global community as a whole. Talking to a predominately young crowd of students at the University he highlighted the fact that India’s population, in fact the world’s population is largely grouped between 25 and 35 years old, therefore the younger generation have the responsibility of shaping the future of the world and that education is paramount in this. The knowledge and wisdom accumulated by our ancestors needs to be passed on to future generations.

His Holiness went on further to explain that education and learning is not just academic knowledge used to further economics, medicine, science and such fields but also a way to develop, cultivate and attitude of kindness and compassion an attitude of great bravery and good intention in facing the responsibilities of tackling the problems of the world today.

In a society that can tend to look towards material wealth he asked the students of both K.I.B.I and Mewar university to think about what they could do to add to the timeless bank of knowledge and wisdom handed down to us from past generations and reminded us that ultimately the cultivation of knowledge and wisdom results in enlightenment. Education , knowledge and wisdom don’t just provide material wealth but a better world.