Shamar Rinpoche’s Lokhor Dechod (Death Anniversary Puja) in KIBI, New Delhi

We are happy to announce that the one-year anniversary ceremony of the passing away of His Holiness Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche will be held at the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (KIBI) in New Delhi, India from the 31st of May to 8th of June. This ceremony will be led by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. 

On this auspicious occasion we are happy to invite Rinpoches, Khenpos, Lamas and senior monks of different monasteries (number of participants from 5 to 10) on this auspicious event. We are happy to arrange accommodation and meals for all of you. Kindly contact the below mentioned staff for arrangements. 


On 31st of May, the official program marking the commemoration of the first anniversary of Shamar Rinpoche’s parinirvana will take place.  Shamar Rinpoche passed away on this day according to the Tibetan Calendar. Here is a programme >>

From the 1st to 8th of June the grand Chakrasamvara puja wil be performed.

The Chakrasamvara Tantra is considered to be one of the highest practices in Vajrayana, and is also the main practice of Maha Siddha Tilopa. All monastic Sangha are requested to bring the required text and ritual equipments to participate in the puja.

We would also like to welcome all lay practitioners at this spiritual event. However, we apologize in advance for not being able to accommodate lay devotees in KIBI as many monks and nuns will participate at the function and the accommodation in KIBI is limited. We are happy in assisting you to find a hotel nearby.

For all Tulku and Rinpoche participants 

Concerned staff: Nedo Tenam Rinpoche email: +919717249226

For khenpos, Lamas, monks and nuns

Concerned staff: Jinpa Thaye

Email: mobile: +918800126115

For lay devotees 

Concerned staff: Bettina Haffter 

Email: +919650779516 

Thank you for your kind cooperation. Looking forward to seeing you all join in the precious moment. 

KIBI Administrative Office

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