Foundational Course

Upcoming Semester: 06 – 27 February 2025


If you want to attend in presence please register until the 10th of January.

Registration for access to the recordings (if you don’t participate in presence):

This course provides the opportunity to study Buddhist philosophy and meditation in a comprehensive way.


The course develops the Buddhist mindset to let go of attachment to samsaric life and turn towards liberation. There are 3 classes:
Lamrim – the Gradual Path to Enlightenment
The teachings on the gradual path to enlightenment drawing from “The Jewel Ornament of Liberation” by Gampopa.
The teaching of Mahamudra, Shamatha and Vipasshyana meditations as developed in “Moonbeams of Mahamudra” by Takpo Tashi Namgyal,
Buddhist Abhidharma
The teachings of Madhyamaka view from the general Abhidharma stand point.

Each subject will be taught over the course of three years, with semesters spanning three weeks per year. New students are welcome any time; it is not necessary to attend the previous year(s) in order to join the second/third year. The teachings will be given by Khenpo Lobsang and Khenpo Tsering Samdrub.

After fully attending all courses you will get a certificate from KIBI.


roughly estimated schedule for your orientation:

9.00 – 10.00 1st class

10.30 – 11.30 2nd class

Lunch break

13.30 – 14.30 3rd class

Wednesday  and Saturday:

15.00 – 16.00 Q & A



Each room includes full board, attached bathroom, chair and desk. You can choose between 3 room categories or without accommodation.

  • Private room (1 person)
  • Shared private room (2 people)
  • Common bunk bed room (8 people)
  • No accommodation

Please note that we will try to fulfill your wishes, but there might be changes due to room availability.


If your staying at KIBI the meals will be included. When you’re staying outside you can choose whether you want to register with food or without.

Online attendance

This year (2025) there will be recordings of the class, that you can get access to, based on donation. For next year we will look into the option of joining the classes online. The certificate will only be provided to students who participated the 3 year-curricullum in presence.


Please check the registration form.


If you have any questions regarding the course please write to

Should you be interested in joining the following semester, we would be very grateful if you would fill out the survey below, so that we–and therefore, you–can plan further in advance.
